What is Seanapps?
Seanapps is the application and hardware launched by Groupe Beneteau to connect your boat. With the onboard Seanapps unit and a mobile application, you will be able to find all your boat information on your smartphone. Everything is done to keep your boat safe and ready to cruise at anytime. Seanapps is also designed to ease your boat maintenance and interactions with your dealer.

How to enjoy Seanapps ?
In order to use Seanapps, your boat has to be equipped with a smart device connected to the various equipment on board. It can be fitted to any type of boat, no matter her age or brand. It only requires a 12V/24V power supply to make it work.
Option 1
Buy a new boat already equipped as a standard
Option 2
Equip your existing boat with the Retrofit Package
Why Seanapps is going to change your life?
Monitor your boat in real time and avoid bad surprises
Ease the maintenance of your boat
Enjoy a customised user experience
The Seanapps application
You can already download our free application on the App Store or Google Play Store.
Many tutorials are available on our Youtube channel to help you discover the features of the application.
If your boat is already equipped, you need to contact your dealer to activate Once activated, you will be able to create your Seanapps account with the email address you have sent to your dealer and then access your boat’s data.